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Unreal Kingdoms

The worlds first Multiverse Metaverse
A company owned by Eight Galaxies BV and developed by Cyber Ape Yacht Club with the purpose of being the biggest and most intuitivemultiverse metaverse in the world!

Meet our metaverse full of creatures. Defeat them to earn in game credits which you can sell, trade, or take them on your next adventure.

Unreal Kingdoms has created the first Multiverse metaverse that brings brands, projects and communities together.

Play, Engage, Learn, Work, Earn and Grow
Unreal Kingdoms is the Multiverse of metaverses. Launching with over 10 metaverse projects, Unreal Kingdoms provides opportunities for all.
Financial Stability
Unreal Kingdoms is financially stable, in its build and launch phases it has taken zero investors or any debt. We can now feed growth and profits back to our metaverse partners, consumers, and players alike. Everyone can enjoy the Multiverse metaverse quickly.
Consumer Investment
Consumers that believe in Web3 and underlying technologies that enable our Multiverse metaverse are provided with unparalleled access to Unreal kingdoms and our sister projects.
Corporate Partners
Corporate Partners are expanding their brands and presence into the Multiverse metaverse through Unreal Kingdoms. They can engage customers in unique ways, open up new and additional revenue opportunities, own and operate malls and outlets while providing sponsorship and advertising options.
Unreal Kingdoms provides players with unique experiences and abilities, and removes bias in all forms. Players are able learn, earn, communicate, work and play. By integrating education and gamifying all aspects of the metaverse, Unreal Kingdoms opens an endless opportunity for everyone, everywhere.

Unreal Kingdoms Use Cases

Create your own story and shape your own destiny in a fully immersive open world gaming experience. Be part of an ever-growing community where dreams do come true.

What will you do with your own plot in the Metaverse? Build a dream home, an art gallery, a dance club, a mystery house, a park, a restaurant...

the opportunities are endless.
Gamification / I-Gaming / Sports

Gamification / I-Gaming / Sports

Unreal Kingdoms believes that gamification is the foundation for our Multiverse Metaverse. By securing a number of global patents we will be the foremost authority and provide interoperability to our metaverses partners.

Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom

Financial freedom is under your own control within Unreal Kingdoms. You can operate commerce, play to earn, buy, and trade land and assets. The economy is growing and your ability to ‘level-up’ can be achieved with the minimum requirement being time. The more your build, engage, learn – the higher you level, the greater potential to earn.

Innovation Studios

Innovation Studios

Innovation is the heart of Unreal Kingdoms and Web3 in general. So we embrace it, we invite the creators and innovators to develop inside Unreal Kingdoms – ideate, design, build, test and operate within your owned land throughout our Kingdoms.

Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

From day 1 Unreal Kingdoms has embedded Health and Wellness into our sustainable Kingdoms. With various global partnerships developing new treatments and cures using the Metaverse, Unreal Kingdoms will be at the forefront of advancing human and animal kind health. Our Kingdoms provide for research and industry professionals to go beyond what is achievable in the real world and develop their digital twins.



Unreal Kingdoms allows you to present additional channels to provide commerce to your customers. If you are looking for next frontier to offer services, then Unreal Kingdoms is it. Create entirely new economies, provide unique products, Unreal Kingdoms provides the most fitting futuristic environments to open entire malls, stores, provide open or exclusive access and so much more.

Knowledge & Education

Knowledge & Education

Unreal Kingdoms has and will continue to partner with education establishments around the world to provide a Web3 experience to gain knowledge through online classes, vocational training and on the job learning. To encourage continual learning for all, courses will offer accreditation and full institutional degree level programs. Players will earn credits that can be utilized within the various Kingdoms or traded for additional knowledge, tools and powers.



Unreal Kingdoms provides individuals and groups abilities to generate and express new and original ideas, concepts, and content within virtual environments. In the metaverse, creativity takes many forms, including the design of virtual environments, the creation of digital objects and assets, the development of virtual characters and avatars, the production of multimedia content such as music and video, and the use of innovative technologies to create new forms of expression. Unreal Kingdoms creativity also brings important implications for the future of work and the economy, as virtual environments become increasingly important for a wide range of industries, from entertainment and gaming to education and healthcare.

Art Studio

Art Studio

Unreal Kingdoms is a virtual world that encompasses various environments and online communities, allowing players to interact with each other through avatars and engage in a range of activities such as gaming, socializing, shopping, and more. Design and art play an important role in shaping the user experience and the overall aesthetic of Unreal Kingdoms. Our immersive and realistic environments allows players to explore and interact with the digital world. This includes designing virtual spaces, objects, and avatars that are visually appealing and easy to navigate. Artistic creations such as virtual sculptures, paintings, and installations can be used to decorate your virtual spaces, creating a unique and memorable atmosphere. Artists can use Unreal Kingdoms as a platform to showcase their work to a global audience, reaching a wider audience than traditional galleries or exhibitions.

Community Centers

Community Centers

Community and Unreal Kingdoms are synonymous. Community centers within our metaverse serve as virtual spaces where people from all over the world come together and engage in social, cultural, and educational activities. These centers provide a range of services, including virtual meeting rooms, event spaces, classrooms, and more. People from different parts of the world can come together to share their cultural traditions, music, art and enjoy playing games and other forms of entertainment together.

Game Info

Release Version

Beta 1.0

Engine Version
